Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Issue Of Colonization On The United Nations - 1255 Words

In the words spoken by Albert Einstein, â€Å"Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe we are not alone.†, he states, that without a doubt, life does exist somewhere other than Earth, and as expected, he was correct. Recently, a new planet has been found, and it has been discovered that this planet in particular is capable of sustaining life. Furthermore, the United Nations are in the act of passing a legislation that allows them to annex and colonize this newly found planet. However, this planet already contains living life forms of its own. The fact that this new planet has its own living life forms is astonishing, but because it contains living life forms I am against the U.N on their plans of colonization on this new planet. When incorporating our past mistakes in history and comparing them to our future actions, the process and outcome of colonization on both cases are particularly negative. Moreover, if we were to imperialize this planet the chances of: cultural loss, death, and racism are high. Given the occasion that the U.N does indeed decide to colonize this new planet, we would definitely not respect the new life form’s culture, and will most likely change their civilization to be more like us. British rule in India is a great example as to why we should not colonize this new planet. For instance, because of British rule in India, new machines replaced IndianShow MoreRelatedThe Link Between British Colonization Of Sub Saharan Africa And Lasting Economic Problems990 Words   |  4 PagesSociety misrepresents Africa as disease ridden, uncivilized, overpopulated and poor. It is generalized as one united nation rather than fifty-four individual states, and is conceived as an inferior nation. 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